Year One: A lot can CHANGE in a year

“Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves”. – Walter Anderson

Quotes come across our timelines all the time, but this one resonated with me.

It’s been one year!

One year ago today, it wasn’t the decision, it was the actual day. No stopping, no excuses. I got honest with myself and was prepared for the CHANGE.

On this day in 2016, I committed to letting a doctor cut me open and take out 80% of my stomach. The decision to have Vertical Gastric Sleeve surgery was one I made on my own. I saw others go through it, but always thought what if people think I took the “easy way out”, or “cheated”.

I then asked myself, “Who’s life is this anyway?” That’s right Jazi’s IT’S MINE. I never allowed the opinion of others to stop me before, so why now. Allowing judgment from others to regulate your life will have you moving in to seasons that are not yours to move into. This life is the only one you get and, the decisions you make whether you succeed, grow and learn or fail and still grow and learn; the end result you grown and learn.

Trial and error.

The first 12 months were filled with trying things and seeing if they worked for me. New foods, drinking copious amounts of water and zero calories anything, new work outs like running and adding more weights. The one thing I held onto was focusing on how I felt. Anytime you put your effort into something you want to be rewarded. Stepping on the scale and seeing a number did not give me that satisfaction. Waking up feeling refreshed and wanting to go for a run did more for me then that number.

If you’re thinking about making a change, (in any part of your life) expect something other than the physical. Focus on how you feel day to day. I don’t own a scale nor do I ask to step on one at the gym.

I grew to trust myself more after accepting I will not let that number rule me.

The first 12 months were filled with SUPPORT! If I could physically in person thank every single one of you who gave me words of encourgment or clicked “like” I would! I can’t but here it is!

THANK-YOU! When people are “watching me”, I feel accountable. I keep myself motivated on knowing that someone’s life may be changed for the better for what I post. Influence moves minds and bodies. My aim is to be a positive influence. The support that came from all of YOU gave me the courage needed to give this a try.

Now ask yourself, “What can you do in a year?”

In the weeks to come, I plan on slowly giving you the month by month updates journaled in the first year of my changes.  I will go through what I learned month to month, and give you my thoughts and of course update with pictures. Alongside that, I’ll be giving you more to look forward to in year two! Cause BABY! That now begins now!…

But for now… August ’16 – August ‘17

Happy One Year “Surgiversary” to Me.


Until next time.

-Jazi 💕

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